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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Email to Kerry County Council about the slurry spreading

 Here is the text of the email I sent to the County Council, the farmers association and several government ministers. I am waiting to see if anyone of them will contact me abut the incident.

To whom it may concern,

At approx 4pm today, 9th July 2011, I witnessed the field adjoining my
rented dwelling having slurry sprayed on it from the adjoining  public
roadway. There was high concentration close to the house, in such a
high level that it is ponding. The slurry was spread less than 4
meters from the house.

I have attached some photos for reference purposes. Further photos can
be provided if required.

The incident happened at Lacca West, Duagh, Listowel, Co. Kerry.

I would appreciate any action you can take regarding this matter.

I understand that I must complete a complaint form but I do not have
access to a printer at present, but due to the urgency required in
dealing with such matters I would be willing to complete one if

Please do not hesitate to contact me on this matter

Drawings of a typical slatted unit for cows

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Which candidate will get My No.1???

With the date of the General Election only two weeks away I have been pondering which one of the candidates should get my No.1?? All the various parties are promising us the world if we vote for them, but will they deliver on anything??
Here is the link to all the candidates running in the constituency Link.

Fianna Fail (FF)- Tom McEllistrom- Definitely not a first choice being a FF candidate, although the party faithful would have you believe that since FF got us into this mess they are best suited to get us out of the mess, I believe we could call that line of thinking "Fuzzy Logic".
Chance of  My No.1-0/10

Fine Geal (FG)- Jimmy Deenihan and John Sheehan- The most likely to form the new government  have a good chance of getting the No.1. Sadly which ever party gets to form the new government will have an awful to clean up and no money to do anything with.
Chance of  My No.1-5/10

Labour- Arthur J Spring- Judging by past elections the party most likely to get the vital No.1
Chance of  My No.1-7.5/10

Green Party-Tom Donovan- Snow balls chance in hell. Refer to Fianna Fail comment.
Chance of  My No.1-0/10

Sinn Fein(SF)- Martin Ferris- No hope of No.1. Went to the prison to collect the scumbags who shot Garda Jerry McCabe who were released after only serving a short sentence for the crime due to the Good Friday Agreement. Maybe another SF candidate might have a better chance of the No.1 but sadly Martin Ferris won't be getting any preferences.

Chance of  My No.1-0/10

Independents- Mary Fitzgibbon, Bridget O'Brien and Mick Reidy. Will probably get the No.2 or 3. So long as they don't wind up like Jackie Healy Rea and actually work in the best interests of the country they will do well and will hold a lot of power.o
Chance of  My No.1-5/10

Monday, January 10, 2011